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Angie Heiring is the Director of Religious Education, phone: (863) 453-7537. The Religious Education Office is located in the Sarah MacDonald Education Building and hours are: 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, and 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM on Wednesdays. The office is closed on Fridays.
Religious Education Program
Our primary objective is to provide students with opportunities to explore their faith and discover Jesus as real, loving, and compassionate. The program encourages students to actively participate in their Catholic faith and grow as a member of our parish community. We recognize that parents are the primary teachers and we do all that we can to assist them in a lifelong religious commitment.
The School of Religion
The Religious Education program takes place in the new Sarah McDonald Education Center which is fully equipped with student desks and chairs as well as curriculum materials for each child. Classes for grades K thru 8 are held on Sunday mornings from 9 am until 10:20 am. Our classes attend the Family Mass at 10:30 am every third Sunday during the school year. We coordinate our school calendar with the Highlands County School calendar. Classes begin in September and end in May. We also aid families in helping teach the children how important regular Mass attendance is with the use of “Mass cards”. Our primary registration begins in May, but we do accept registrations all year long. Although there are many activities available that compete for our children’s time, they should never take priority over religious instruction. None of these activities will have the lifelong benefit equal to a strong, personal, spiritual life.
Sacramental Preparation
The K thru 8 program encompasses preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist (First Holy Communion). Our Confirmation program is a 2 year program and is held on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm until 8:30 pm for young adults in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. All sacramental preparation for both children and young adults includes meetings with our Pastor so that he may assess their progress and ensure that the family's expectations are being met. Parents have the primary responsibility to lead their children to Christ and educate them in the faith. Parental influence is the single most important influence on a child’s values and attitudes toward life. Our Religious Education Teachers and Teacher Assistants volunteer their time and energy to supplement your parental example by sharing the Gospel message and promoting the Catholic faith.

2010-2011 Religious Education Application

Family Mass
The third Sunday of each month, from September through May, is designated as Family Mass for the 10:30 mass. This mass focuses on our Sunday School of Religion students and their families. Students attend this mass with their respective classes. The liturgy, as well, is geared toward the younger members of the church. The students proclaim The Word of God and Prayers of The Faithful, and bring up the gifts. The music, under the direction of Gene Ryan, is more age appropriate and includes youth cantors from the religion classes. Jackie Jackson and Terry Gooch coordinate the youth involvement for the mass, as part of the religious education program of Our Lady of Grace Church.